2024 Student Impact Initiative

We appreciate each one of you for supporting the Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation (MOCF) 2024 Student Impact Initiative. Your gifts help support our medical students in their education to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). Thank you for your support of these future physicians.


The mission of the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine is to provide the best medical education possible to aspiring students on their journey to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. That focus has resulted in more than 7,600 D.O.s who have graduated from the college since our beginning in 1969. Most of our alumni have remained in the state of Michigan, serving communities throughout the state, from the most rural areas of the UP to the city of Detroit.

It is in our DNA to serve and as a college, we work to ensure that each class of student physicians exemplifies the osteopathic philosophy – supporting patients and communities with empathy and respect, with a holistic focus and providing compassionate and appropriate patient care to all people.

We are able to do this work, in part, because of the financial support from many of you – our alumni, donors and friends. We would like to invite you to join us for our 2024 Michigan Osteopathic College Foundation Student Impact Initiative. This campaign will support student scholarships, student-related activities, post-graduate medical education and community outreach efforts – all integral programs that help us continue our mission and educate our students. The Student Impact Initiative takes place every other year in place of our in-person MOCF Ball. Additional information related to this initiative will be shared beginning in August.

To learn more about where your dollars go, please watch some of our student stories below.

Become a supporter



c/o MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine
East Fee Hall 
965 Wilson Road, Room A309
East Lansing, Michigan 48824

Phone: (517) 355-9616
Fax: (517) 432-2125 
Email: mocfball@com.msu.edu



View more MOCF Student Impact videos here.