Research & Scholarly Activity
The Office for Research, under the direction of John Goudreau, encourages and supports biomedical research at the college’s East Lansing, Macomb University Center and Detroit Medical Center sites, and throughout the Statewide Campus System of affiliated hospitals.
The office promotes improved health outcomes, quality and safety in healthcare through research and scholarly activity, and facilitates research-related activities between the college and university central administration, and between the College of Osteopathic Medicine and other MSU colleges.
It provides assistance to college-affiliated physicians and scientists working to develop successful research programs and assists College of Osteopathic Medicine students seeking research experience.
Present State and Strategic Initiatives
The MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Research and Scholarly Activities Present State and Strategic Initiatives are founded upon the long-standing investment the college has made, and continues to make, in advancing the research and scholarly activities of the affiliated faculty and students, and derives from the tenets outlined in the college’s overall Strategic Plan.
SCS Resident, Faculty, and Fellow Resource: Virtual Scholarly Activity Consult
Consult "visits" available now for SCS-affiliated programs.
Sign up for partial or whole-day scholarly activity (SA) consultation visits in addition to the individual faculty/resident project services already provided. These online visits for individual or multiple residency QI and research programs are now scheduled via Zoom for SCS-affiliated groups working to expand their current SA project levels and dissemination products.
Virtual consults include:
- One or more 30-60 minute virtual interactive learning modules regarding SCS SA services, project topic conceptualization and design principles, IRB application strategies, selection of project planning tools, etc. from a menu of presentation options;
- Individual project-specific planning sessions with faculty/fellow/resident project teams; and
- Ongoing online SA modules and resources.
Contact Sam Wisniewski to discuss a possible consultation visit.
COVID-19 and MSU Research
- Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 and MSU Research Continuity
- Human Research Protection Program COVID-19 webpage
- COVID-19 Resources for Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding
- Guidance for NIH-Funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19
- NIH Late Application Policy, Administrative Flexibilities, and FAQs Related to 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- The Office of the Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation - COVID-19 Stimulus News and Research Funding Opportunities
- Request for Review of Plan for Safe Return of Activity
- Other COVID related forms
Phone: (517) 353-7785
Fax: (517) 353-9004
Furqan Irfan, Research Director:
Brian C. Schutte, Co-Director:
Rusti Sidel, Office Coordinator: