D.O.-Ph.D. Program
PLEASE NOTE: The D.O.-Ph.D. program will be a FULLY-FUNDED program starting summer semester of 2024. See incentives below.
The Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine offers a combined degree program leading to the D.O. and Ph.D. degrees for highly motivated students who have achieved excellence in research and academics.
Trainees in the D.O.-Ph.D. Physician-Scientist Training Program spend seven to eight years in education and training to become physician-scientists. Graduates find careers in biomedical research or academic medicine. Their training enables them to be physician-scientists working on basic science or disease-related problems.
Since it began in 1979, the D.O.-Ph.D. program has offered education and training to prepare individuals for careers in biomedical research and academic medicine, enabling them to become physician-scientists.
Most graduates find careers in medical colleges, universities or major medical research centers. They bridge the gap between basic science and clinical practice. Prospective D.O.-Ph.D. candidates are sought nationally and special effort is directed in recruiting women and minorities. Qualified students interested in a career as a physician-scientist should contact the program office as early as possible.
Why do we need D.O.-Ph.D. physician-scientists?
- The physician-scientist population in the U.S. is smaller and older than it was 25 years ago
- There is a current critical shortage of physician-scientists
- The physician-scientist is a vital member of the medical research community
- The physician-scientist can collaborate with both Ph.D. scientists and health care providers
- Scientific questions the physician-scientist asks reflect their experiences with patient care.
Incentives to pursue a D.O.-Ph.D. degree
- Fully-funded dual degree program. Students pay no tuition and receive competitive stipend and healthcare benefits throughout training.
- Reward of translating scientific research into patient therapy
- Finding an answer to a medical puzzle
- Being on the cutting edge of science in finding new therapies and/or disease cures
Program Personnel
Brian C. Schutte, Ph.D.
Email: schutteb@msu.edu
John Goudreau, D.O., Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Michelle Volker, CHRS, CFMLAS
Academic Program Coordinator
Email: volkerm@msu.edu
909 Wilson Road
West Fee Hall, Room 317
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 884-3825
Fax: (517) 353-9004
Email: com.dophd@msu.edu
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