Qing Xia, M.A.

- Institute for Global Health
West Fee Hall
909 Wilson Rd., B328
East Lansing, MI 48824
Qing Xia, Ph.D., is the Associate Director for Global Health Education and Research at the Institute for Global Health (IGH) and Assistant Professor (adjunct) of Family and Community Medicine at the College of Osteopathic Medicine. She specializes in interdisciplinary team building in global health research and professional development. Before joining IGH, Qing held leadership roles at the Office of China Programs and the Visiting International Professional Program at the International Studies and Programs. She managed various programs and projects in capacity building, international professional development, faculty development, and many international student training programs. Qing obtained B.A. and M.A. in China and M.A. and Ph.D. at Michigan State University. Her research interests include adult learning, nursing students' professional identity development, compassion and empathy in medical education, health education, mental health, One Health, community engagement, and higher education internationalization.