Dean's Update 2020-06
June 2, 2020
Racism, bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms are unacceptable to us as a college and as a profession, yet it continues to be evident in our society as the events in Minnesota and across our country over the past week so painfully remind us. We cannot simply call it out and then do nothing.
Our college calls out this reality, and we will strive harder than ever to make sure all we do continues to meet this challenge. Until racism and prejudice are eliminated, we will not give up. Be it calling out racist remarks or actions, or educating our future health professionals on how health disparities due to racism and other social determinants cause harm and prevent maximal health and wellness to those most vulnerable, I attest that we will, as a college, persevere rather than look away.
Words are not enough, however. Let our actions, as individuals and as a college, demonstrate that as we go forward, we are striving to meet this most important challenge. We will build on this attestation through several future initiatives that demonstrate our commitment to this cause, a commitment that will be consistently assessed and improved upon to the best of our abilities, so that we can confirm to those who come after us, that we did not look away.

Andy Amalfitano