Dean’s Update 2024-02
February News and Notes from the Dean’s Desk
Dean deJong wants to hear from others as she settles into this leadership position
I am excited and motivated as I look back at my first few weeks in my new role as your Dean of Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
In my first week, I was primarily focused on settling in – obtaining an MSU ID, getting the perfect fit for graduation regalia, refamiliarizing myself with the building and university, and having a few initial meetings. While doing all of that, one thought remained at the forefront: we are embarking on an exhilarating journey together.
The last few weeks have been filled with meetings, listening to others and learning more about where we are as a medical school and the goals ahead of us. In addition, my office has moved! After decades, the Office of the Dean is now on the first floor of East Fee Hall, thanks to our college’s registrar team for generously offering their space. In addition to being much closer to the Farmer’s Fridge (a huge bonus), it is important to me to be in the heart of the action. I have already enjoyed interacting with students, chatting with our incredible staff and brainstorming with the faculty in hallway conversations.
When I was planning for how to spend my first 90 days, I wanted to start by being intently focused on learning about the multitude of programs and departments, the people, our challenges and opportunities, barriers and resources, and our culture. I am not here only to lead, but to listen and learn.
That means I am interested in hearing your ideas, your concerns, your successes and your aspirations. I want to know all the elements that make up the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. I want to know why our students choose the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine.
By learning from all of you, I can be a better leader and advocate for the college. I will be working with many others throughout the college, including our faculty, staff and students, as well as our alumni, partners and the community to determine our path. That path includes identifying a firm to help us develop our next strategic plan, which will enable us to create a shared vision for the college moving forward. You will learn more about this process and plan soon, but it is sufficient to say I won’t be doing this in a bubble. I want to hear from you.
Before we dive into this adventure together, let me extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you – the incredible students, staff and faculty – who have welcomed me with gifts, cards, emails and countless smiles and warm messages. From the bottom of my heart, I couldn't feel more welcomed or embraced by this extraordinary community.
And to Dr. Andrea Amalfitano, our leader for the past six years, your guidance and dedication have laid a solid foundation upon which we can now build our shared future. Dr. Amalfitano steered the college from deeply challenging times to its current position of strength and potential. Your support has ensured a smooth transition for which I am immensely grateful.
Now, as we turn the page into this new chapter, let's do so with enthusiasm, open minds and a collaborative spirit.
Warm regards,

Joyce deJong, D.O.