Student OMM Clinic

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is a hands-on approach to diagnosing, treating and preventing illness or injury. The student OMM clinic is a student-run clinic offering free services to students, faculty and staff at Michigan State University, as well as members of the community. First- and second-year medical students enrolled in this one-credit elective course use osteopathic manipulative treatments to move muscle and joints as treatment under the supervision of residents and attending faculty members.
These treatments are often used to treat pain, as well as limited mobility and range of motion which include but are not limited to back, neck and joint pain, sinus disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome and headaches. The techniques include stretching, gentle pressure, resistance and range of motion exercises, which can help treat structural and tissue abnormalities, relieve joint restriction and misalignment, restore muscle and tissue balance and promote the overall movement of blood flow throughout the body. In addition to treating within the clinic setting, students are provided additional OMM didactics to enhance their skills.
The clinics are held at each College of Osteopathic Medicine site in order to best serve both our patients, as well as our students.
The Student OMM Clinic is a student-run clinic offering free services to MSU students, faculty, and staff as well as members of the community that are not current patients at the MSU Health Care Osteopathic Manipulation Medicine Clinic.
To find out more information about the clinic or to schedule an appointment at one of our three locations, please send an email to the respective contact below.
East Lansing
Physician advisor: Jesse Guasco, D.O.
Address: 4600 S. Hagadorn Rd, OMM Clinic Suite 500, East Lansing, MI 48823
Clinic Hours: Thursdays 5:00p-8:00p
Physician advisor: Lori Dillard, D.O.
Address: 44575 Garfield Road, Building UC4, Room 210, Clinton Twp, MI 48038
Clinic Hours: Tuesdays 5:30p-8:30p
Physician advisor: Barbara A. Zajdel, D.O.
Address: 4707 St. Antoine St., Detroit, MI 48201
Clinic Hours: Tuesdays 5:00p-8:30p