Sports OMT

Sports Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, or OMT, is a two-year elective beginning in the fall. Once enrolled through lottery, students are required to join the local Student American Academy of Osteopathy and national American Academy of Osteopathy. These organizations help educate students on how Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, or OMM, is a fundamental component of osteopathic care, as well as integrate the students into a local and national community of osteopathic students, residents and physicians who all share a passion for OMM.
In the fall, first-year students attend weekly class in Fee Hall (Mon. 6-8 pm) taught by second-year students in the elective. The student clinic at Jenison Field House is organized by course coordinators, who assign participants two to three shifts throughout the semester (Tues. 5-7 pm). At clinic, second-year students treat MSU track/field/cross country athletes while first-year students scribe and observe the process. A resident is present during all classes and clinics. There is a brief written and practical exam at the end of the semester to ensure competence in all of the techniques.
In the spring semester, first-year students begin to treat the athletes while second-year students scribe and provide guidance. There is no clinic during the summer semester, but students can apply to become a table-trainer or course coordinator. There is also a Sports OMT Liaison position on the Student American Academy of Osteopathy, or SAAO, e-board.